Friday, February 11, 2011

Digital Painting



Medium:     Digital
Type:          Landscape
Description: This has been my best digital painting using photoshop to date.I learnt  to have a proper balance between painting like we do on paper and using the brush panel and other tools offered by photoshop, while doing this.
Software used: Photoshop

Medium:      Digital
Type:           Landscape
Description: This is a landscape done in photoshop using a wacom. Reference taken.
Software used: Photoshop

Type: Landscape
Medium: Digital Painting
Desscription: I thoroughly enjoyed doing this landscape! I ve used photoshop. Reference taken from The Jungle Book 2.
Software used: Photoshop


Medium:           Digital
Type:                Landscape
Description:      This is my first landscape done in flash.I ve tried to experiment with stylization and also tried to maintain it.
Software used:  Flash software.

Medium:           Digital
Type:                Background
Description:      Another work on flash. I ve tried to experiment with shadows here.
Software used:  Flash software